The main objective of WP4: Market Transition is to catalyse a market transition away from harmful PM substances.
This will be achieved through the following sub-objectives:
▼ Assist, encourage and connect companies, who are at various stages of making this market transition.
▼ Produce tools that support industry to identify persistent and mobile substances in their products and adopt persistent and mobile substance alternatives.
▼ Ensure the perspective of companies producing and using persistent and mobile substances and their alternatives is heard in the current and forthcoming policy changes.
WP4 Market transition will work in close collaboration with industry (manufacturers and downstream users of chemicals) to provide fit for purpose web-based tools to support companies at different stages of the market transition. The tools will include a development of the MarketPlace and the SIN (Substitute it Now) List developed by ZeroPM partner ChemSec, as well as a PFAS guide to help companies better understand which products may contain PFAS.
The Team
WP4 is led by Dr. Anna Lenquist at ChemSec. ChemSec will draw upon expertise held by the ChemSec Business Group.