A list of scientific publications that ZeroPM has contributed to can be found below. Last updated June 01, 2023. An updated list can always be found at Zenodo.
Hale, Sarah H, & Arp, Hans Peter H. (2023). Tackling persistent, mobile and toxic substances in the aquatic environment through prevention, prioritization and removal strategies. Vann, 2022(04), 281–209. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7903391
Arp, Hans Peter H., Aurich, Dagny, Schymanski, Emma, Sims, Kerry, & Hale, Sarah. (2023). Avoiding the Next Silent Spring: Our Chemical Past, Present, and Future. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(16), 6355–6359. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c01735
Groh, K.J., Arp, H.P.H., MacLeod, M. and Wang, Z., 2023. Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.
Mueller, L.K., Ågerstrand, M., Backhaus, T., Diamond, M., Erdelen, W.R., Evers, D., Groh, K.J., Scheringer, M., Sigmund, G., Wang, Z. and Schäffer, A., 2023. Policy options to account for multiple chemical pollutants threatening biodiversity. Environmental Science: Advances.
Wang, M., Green, C. and Wang, Z., 2022. Six Recommendations for Early Career Professionals to Join Work at the Science–Policy Interface: Collective Experience from Academic, Governmental, and NGO Scientists. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(24), pp.17506-17509.
Wang, Z. and Praetorius, A., 2022. Integrating a Chemicals Perspective into the Global Plastic Treaty. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9(12), pp.1000-1006.
Scheringer, M., Johansson, J.H., Salter, M.E., Sha, B. and Cousins, I.T., 2022. Stories of Global Chemical Pollution: Will We Ever Understand Environmental Persistence?. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(24), pp.17498-17501.
Bǎlan, S.A., Andrews, D.Q., Blum, A., Diamond, M.L., Fernández, S.R., Harriman, E., Lindstrom, A.B., Reade, A., Richter, L., Sutton, R. and Wang, Z., 2023. Optimizing Chemicals Management in the United States and Canada through the Essential-Use Approach. Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (4), 1568-1575.
Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N. et al. The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Environ Sci Eur 34, 104 (2022).
Figuière, R., Borchert, F., Cousins, I.T. et al. The essential-use concept: a valuable tool to guide decision-making on applications for authorisation under REACH?. Environ Sci Eur 35, 5 (2023).
Sartori, S.; Vozzi, F.; Ciardelli, G.; Boffito, M.; Sbrana, T.; Berenguel Alonso, M.; Fernández Arroyo, S.; Anglart, A. (2022). White Paper on MPS (1.0). Zenodo.
Hale, S. E., Kalantzi, O. I., & Arp, H. P. H. (2022). Introducing the EU project ZeroPM: zero pollution of persistent, mobile substances. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34(1), 1-3.
Arp, H. P. H., & Hale, S. E. (2022). Assessing the Persistence and Mobility of Organic Substances to Protect Freshwater Resources. ACS Environmental Au. 2(6),482-509
Mohammed Taha, H., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J. P., Arp, H. P. H., Bade, R., … & Schymanski, E. L. (2022). The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34(1), 1-26.
Rillig, M. C., Kim, S. W., Schäffer, A., Sigmund, G., Groh, K. J., & Wang, Z. (2022). About “Controls” in Pollution-Ecology Experiments in the Anthropocene. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (17), 11928-11930.
Almroth, B. C., Cornell, S. E., Diamond, M. L., de Wit, C. A., Fantke, P., & Wang, Z. (2022). Understanding and addressing the planetary crisis of chemicals and plastics. One Earth, 5(10), 1070-1074.
Huang, C., Jin, B., Han, M., Zhang, G., & Arp, H. P. H. (2022). Identifying persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) organic compounds detected in shale gas wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 159821.
Sánchez-Cruz, N., & Schymanski, E. L. (2022). Paths to Cheminformatics: Q&A with Norberto Sánchez-Cruz and Emma Schymanski. Journal of Cheminformatics, 14(1), 1-5.
Cousins, I. T., Johansson, J. H., Salter, M. E., Sha, B., & Scheringer, M. (2022). Outside the safe operating space of a new planetary boundary for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Environmental Science & Technology, 56(16), 11172-11179.
Charbonnet, J.A., McDonough, C.A., Xiao, F., Schwichtenberg, T., Cao, D., Kaserzon, S., Thomas, K.V., Dewapriya, P., Place, B.J., Schymanski, E.L. and Field, J.A., 2022. Communicating confidence of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substance identification via high-resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental science & technology letters, 9(6), pp.473-481.
Göckener, B., Lange, F. T., Lesmeister, L., Gökçe, E., Dahme, H. U., Bandow, N., & Biegel-Engler, A. (2022). Digging deep—implementation, standardisation and interpretation of a total oxidisable precursor (TOP) assay within the regulatory context of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in soil. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34(1), 1-9.
Barnabas, S.J., Böhme, T., Boyer, S.K., Irmer, M., Ruttkies, C., Wetherbee, I., Kondić, T., Schymanski, E.L. and Weber, L., 2022. Extraction of Chemical Structures from Literature and Patent Documents using Open Access Chemistry Toolkits: A Case Study with PFAS. Digital Discovery.
Arvidsson, R., Peters, G., Hansen, S. F., & Baun, A. (2022). Prospective environmental risk screening of seven advanced materials based on production volumes and aquatic ecotoxicity. NanoImpact, 25, 100393.
Holmquist, H., Roos, S., Schellenberger, S., Jönsson, C., & Peters, G. (2021). What difference can drop-in substitution actually make? A life cycle assessment of alternative water repellent chemicals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129661.