ZeroPM’s first workshop – NEW DATE AND LOCATION!

Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to push forward the date of the first ZeroPM workshop, and the location. ZeroPM's first workshop will be held on the 7-8'th of February, 2023, in Gothenburg. Please download our flyer below. Registration will open soon, but if you would like a booth, please contact us now. ZeroPM-Save-the-date_new-1Download

The PFAS universe

The universe of #PFAS and non-PFAS #organofluorine substances has just been laid bare for all to see and explore. Give it a click and see:- structure based PFAS searching- many downloadable PFAS inventories- links to full pubchem datasheets-- 6 million OECD PFAS- 19 million organofluorine substances The database published on pubchem is available here And the background docs …

Regulatory considerations on mobility

Two new presentations uploaded to Zenodo: 1) Hans Peter Arp and Michael Neuman presented at a recent CEFIC workshop a presentation entitled "Regulatory considerations on mobility". This presentation outlines the need for regulatory PMT/vPvM classification, and the recent history of the development of the PMT/vPvM criteria under REACH. 2) Hans Peter Arp also presented this …