ZeroPM Science-Policy Webinar #6: What can we learn from 25 years of work on PFAS

Announcing the ZeroPM Science-Policy webinar: Navigating the science to policy interface – what can we learn from 25 years of work on PFAS The free webinar will be on the 22nd of January, 15:00 – 16:00 CET. Please find the invitation below and use this link to register. The science-policy interface is the space where scientific findings and …

ZeroPM Workshop Announcement

The European research project ZeroPM: Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances, is pleased to announce its second international workshop to be held on the 19th and 20th September 2024 At the UBA Conference Center, Dessau-Rosslau, Germany This workshop will focus on the Prioritization work packages on Substance Grouping and Risk Assessment Please SAVE-THE-DATE, download the …

ZeroPM Science-Policy Webinar: Protecting drinking water sources from persistent and mobile substances

Announcing the ZeroPM science-policy webinar “Protecting drinking water sources from persistent and mobile substances” The webinar will provide an overview of the occurrence of persistent and mobile substances in the aquatic environment, specifically focusing on PFAS and pharmaceuticals. Several policy options with their advantages and disadvantages will be addressed. Also presented will be methods and …