ZeroPM Science-Policy Webinar #6: What can we learn from 25 years of work on PFAS

Announcing the ZeroPM Science-Policy webinar: Navigating the science to policy interface – what can we learn from 25 years of work on PFAS

The free webinar will be on the 22nd of January, 15:00 – 16:00 CET.

Please find the invitation below and use this link to register.

The science-policy interface is the space where scientific findings and assessments are translated into policy-relevant recommendations. This webinar will discuss how science is translated into policy, taking per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as a case study example. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will highlight the interactions between researchers/European Union funded research projects, agencies and the European Commission that shape policy.

The webinar will show how scientists can best contribute to this discussion and ensure their research results have full policy impact. PFAS will be used to show how science is translated to policy and an overview of the EEA’s work in this area will be given. Furthermore, the webinar will show how the EEA communicates with scientists, Member States, other EU agencies and ultimately the European Commission to advance the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability towards a toxic free environment.

About the Speaker

Magnus Løfstedt is an expert in chemicals, human health and the environment, working at the European Environment Agency. He has previously worked at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency as a regulatory toxicologist with industrial chemicals and chemicals in consumer products and as an advisor to the policy level. He has more than 15 years of firsthand experience working at the science to policy interface.