Announcing the ZeroPM Science-Policy webinar: A spotlight on the current policy and science of F-gases
The free webinar will be on the 1st of July, 2:30 – 3:30 CET.
Please find the invitation below and use this link to register.
The spotlight is firmly places on F-gases, both from a policy and scientific perspective. F-gases are the group of PFAS with the highest production volumes worldwide and emissions of F-gases can increase the global warming as well lead to the formation of persistent degradation products such as Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA).
The webinar will begin with an introduction to the ZeroPM regulatory watch, which tracks the evolutions of EU policies that contribute to the prevention, prioritization and removal of persistent and mobile substances. Following this, relevant policy will be introduced. The Montreal Protocol 2022 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, the F-gas Regulation, ECHA’s progress on the PFAS restriction proposal and the US AIM Act will all be discussed in the context of refrigerants and TFA.
Finally, the webinar will look at alternatives to F-gases as refrigerants. F-gases are still used today in domestic and commercial refrigeration, in transport refrigeration, industrial refrigeration as well as air conditioning, building energy systems (e.g., heat pumps) and district heating networks. Available alternatives will be shown, as well as areas where challenges are still faced. Uses will be linked to the placing on the market restrictions in the F-gas regulation and the proposed derogations in the PFAS restriction proposal.
About the speakers
Lise Oulès is a consultant at Milieu, a Brussels based law and policy consultancy working for the EU institutions. In ZeroPM, she leads our work package on Policy, and is responsible for the regulatory watch having deep understanding of chemicals policy in Europe.
Michael Garry has worked for the past decade for ATMOsphere, a Brussels-based market accelerator of environmentally sustainable cooling and heating systems that use natural refridgerants. Located in the U.S. he is an Editor-at-Large, he writes articles for ATMOsphere’s about developments in natural refrigerant-based cooling and heating pumps.
Dr. Juliane Glüge is a senior researcher at ETH Zürich, Switzerland. She has been working with persistent organic pollutants for over 12 years and has focused on PFAS in the last 5 years. Dr. Glüge is also active in the science-policy field and participates for example as observer in the meetings of the Risk-Assessment Committee (RAC) and the Socio-Economic Assessment Committee (SEAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the discussions on the PFAS restriction proposal.